you look great today.Äã½ñÌì¿´ÉÏÈ¥ºÜ°ô¡£
you did a good job. Äã¸ÉµÃ·Ç³£ºÃ¡£
we¡®re so proud of you.ÎÒÃÇÊ®·ÖΪÄã½¾°Á¡£
this is really a nice place.ÕâÕæÊǸöºÃµØ·½£¡
That¡¯s neat£® ÕâºÜºÃ¡£
Such a fruitcake! Éñ¾²¡£¡
No one knows . ûÓÐÈËÖªµÀ¡£
Is it yours ÕâÊÇÄãµÄÂð
I¡¯m his fan¡£ ÎÒÊÇËûµÄÓ°ÃÔ¡£
i¡®m very pleased with your work.ÎÒ¶ÔÄãµÄ¹¤×÷·Ç³£ÂúÒâ¡£
I love you! ÎÒ°®Äã!
Here you are£® ¸øÄã¡£
He is my age£® ËûºÍÎÒͬËê¡£
Easy come easy go£® À´µÃÈÝÒ×£¬È¥µÃ¿ì¡£
Don¡¯t let me down£® ±ðÈÃÎÒʧÍû¡£
Don¡¯t fall for it! ±ðÉϵ±!
Don¡¯t count on me£®±ðÖ¸ÍûÎÒ¡£
Do l have to ·Ç×ö²»¿ÉÂð
Believe it or not! ÐŲ»ÐÅÓÉÄã!
Are you sure Äã¿Ï¶¨Âð