ÈÕ³£½»¼ÊÓ¢Óï Go and get him
ʱ¼ä:2016-03-17 À¸Ä¿:Ó¢Óï¶Ô»°
None of your business! ÓëÄãÎÞ¹Ø!
Look at the blackboard, please. Çë¿´ºÚ°å¡£
Let¡¯s play a game today. ½ñÌìÎÒÃÇÀ´×ö¸öÓÎÏ·¡£
Let me have a look, please. ÈÃÎÒ¿´Ò»¿´¡£
Go and get him. È¥°ÑËûÕÒÀ´¡£
Fasten your seat belt£® ϵºÃÄãµÄ°²È«´ø¡£
Don¡¯t trust to chance! ²»ÒªÅöÔËÆø¡£
Can you look after my bag and clothes, please ÄãÄÜ°ïÎÒÕÕ¿´Ò»ÏÂÎÒµÄÊé°üºÍÒ·þÂð£¿